Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Casting a "Star " Main Character

Whose eyes will the reader see through? When you choose a character to be the point-of-view character or the main character in your book, that's exactly what you must decide. The point-of-view character's eyes will become the reader's eyes; his/her hands will become the reader's hands. The point-of-view character will lead the reader into the world you have created. Your reader will also walk hand in hand with the "main" character. The main character is the one that the story revolves around. Let's work with a main character who is also the point-of-view character for our first book. This is the most exciting option for the reader because it places him or her right in the center of all the action. (Like a first-person shooter for you game buffs). If you have an idea for your book already, you probably have a sense of who your main character will be. As you dream up your story, try to make your main character active rather than passive. In other words, if your character is hit by a bus, be sure that it is because he or she ran into the street, rather than that the bus swerved onto the sidewalk. Why? Because your character needs to act with passion, be motivated by strong ideals, face up to harrowing fears and live every moment of your plot as if it were his or her last. Then the reader will happily follow your character anywhere.

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The how and the why of writing fiction

It's easier and harder than you imagine