They're everywhere: Fewer books to be published! Women's fiction is in! Young Adult fiction is in! Amazon's Kindle will change the world! I could worry about the trends but I choose not to. Here's why:
First, every trend begins with an original genre-blasting best-seller. Then come the swarm of imitators. By the time I could write a book to capitalize on the latest theme, the trend will be on its way out. Besides, who can do better than the author who was creative enough to usher in the trend?
Secondly, on-demand printing and the digital download book are putting an end to that bane of publishers--remaindered copies! We don't have to please the mainstream anymore; we can go for the long tail! (Here's a link to Chris Anderson's original article, mostly concerning the music business, but very good reading:
Thirdly, if there's an audience for us swinging on the tip of that long tail, and we know there most certainly is--we can reach them. That's what the Internet is for. How we will connect with our readers online is the most fascinating area to explore in publishing.
So, this is good news. Don't chase anyone else's dream or theme. Just write. Your readers are waiting.
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